Davy Jones’ Locker

The offchain is likely to fail after Conway era (Chang hardfork). A fix will be delivered some time later after the storm subsides. Or probably a new and better front-end will be developed instead.

Fifteen men on the dead man’s chest—
…Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!
Drink and the devil had done for the rest—
…Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!

This is a dead-man’s switch contract where you can:

Create Chest

Mints ChestLock and ChestKey(s), a new address will be generated. Send ChestLock while depositing initial assets. Keep ChestKey token(s) in your wallet, you will need to show it when DelayUnlock.

Give access for delaying the chest unlocking deadline to anyone by sending them the ChestKey token.

Add Treasure

Anyone can deposit more assets to the chest. Don’t forget to include an arbitrary inline datum to be redeemable.

Delay Unlock

Show the matching ChestKey token to postpone the chest unlocking deadline.

Unlock Chest

Redeem all assets from the chest when the deadline has passed. You will also receive the ChestLock NFT.

Resend Chest

Resend ChestLock to the chest address. Similar to CreateChest but it is done by the chest unlocker. There is no real benefit to do this, but it’s possible.

Chest Address Sample

Updated for aiken v1.0.14-alpha:


View it in action on CExplorer.


But one man of her crew alive,
What put to sea with seventy-five.

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